The Project
The Project

SAFEBIKE - Stability Control by Advanced Full-Braking Systems of 2-Wheel Motorbike Vehicles

The continuously increasing traffic in the main European urban areas, and the need of reducing the vehicle emission, are rapidly stimulating the diffusion of 2-wheel vehicles for the urban-area mobility. Stability control of these vehicles in critical conditions (wet roads with non uniform pavement) is extremely critical, and represents a major obstacle for the diffusion of this kind of vehicle, as well as a substantial safety problem. To overcome the lack of safety, the groups of participating regions (Linz, Milan and Györ) investigate alternative concepts for a curve-save ABS and stability system for 2-wheels vehicles.

The main objective of the Sub-Project SAFEBIKE is to study and develop an automatic control system (similar to the ESP or Electronic Stability Control system in 4-wheels vehicles) aimed to strongly improve the stability of 2-wheels vehicles (motorbikes or scooters). The specific objectives are the understanding of the causes of the stability problems to define methods and ideas to obtain a safe control and to test the results in a simulated environment. As a solution, we think both at new control algorithms as well as extend some concepts of the 4-wheel stability programs for motorbikes.